Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Community (Page 12)

From the Rector: Tuesday 29th December 2020

Newsflash Sunday worship for 3rd January will be online only A Service of the Word with Revd John  10am        188 513 761 and 019797         Morning worship with Bible readings and prayers. Morning Praise for Epiphany with Revd Linda 10am.   871 2462 6815 and 324899 Morning Service with Revd James 11am     Please email James to receive your invitation. Morning Prayer with Revd Kevin …

From the Rector: Tuesday 3rd November 2020

We can do this Dear friends, On Thursday we will be entering another national lockdown, ostensibly for four weeks, but this very much depends upon how quickly Covid hospitalizations can be brought under control, and the measure of transmission of the virus reduced again. Our Churches have had once more to suspend live worship services, but I have been expecting this for…