Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Notice Sheet

From the Rector: Tuesday 9th July 2024

Exam Season Dear friends For a lot of young people we are in the waiting period of tenterhooks that comes after the examinations are completed, but before the results are published. There is a strange combination of uncertainty, perhaps even self doubt, along with the trepidation that comes with the unknown future. Did we give as good an account of ourselves as…

From the Rector: Tuesday 11th June 2024

Pray your part Dear friends, When it comes to election season, most of us have a fairly limited tolerance of the media’s seemingly inexhaustible supply of political introversion. “Never mind about the nation’s toenails,” we cry at the radio, “ask why the legs are missing!” Its an important season in which we have an opportunity to not just think about the big…

From the Rector: Tuesday 4th June 2024

Normandy 2024 Dear friends, There is a little patch of Normandy in Checkendon churchyard. Lt William Temple was among the very first to land in France, coming from the sky with the 7th Battalion (Light Infantry) of the Parachute Regiment, on the night of the 5th/6th June 1944, part of the 6th Airborne Division. He was a platoon commander, (No1 Platoon, A…

From the Rector: Tuesday 30th April 2024

Back to the Zoo Dear friends On the south side of Berlin’s famous Tiergarten park is the grand modern building that is the home base of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, a fitting cultural powerhouse for a global city. Walking around this open concourse, however, will bring you upon a memorial to one of the lesser known atrocities of the Nazi regime. “Tiergartenstrasse…