Keep this email safe, or print it out (just this once),
Dear friends
An Advent Journey
Advent begins this coming Sunday – 29th November, and I invite you to join me online every day at 8.30pm from Monday 30th November until Christmas Eve, for a devotional ten minutes. We’ll be making the journey to Bethlehem and meeting some of the Bible characters from both the Old and New Testaments who play a part in the story of of Jesus’ coming. There is a special set of zoom numbers just for the Advent Journey: 842 3891 2144 and 123165. Starts next Monday, and daily thereafter, concluding on Christmas Eve. Do join me – bring your Advent (or any) candle to light, and perhaps a notebook too.
The Advent Journey daily devotional ten minutes from Monday 30th November at 8.30pm 842 3891 2144 and 123165
Sunday Services for the 29th November
Our service this Sunday is a celebration of Holy Communion marking the start of the pentitential season of Advent, at 11am. The communion has been specially recorded in Checkendon Church. The zoom numbers are the usual ones for Sunday service:
Holy Communion for Advent Sunday with Revd Kevin 11am 636 645 195 and 000162.
For the other services this Sunday across the Team ministry, please see the Team website
Christmas Services at Checkendon: in church and online. Everyone welcome.
Sunday 20th December: in church
A Pre-recorded Carol service in the decorated and candle-lit Church, lasting 35 minutes. Sittings at 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm. Booking strictly necessary via Come and enjoy a Covid-secure Carol service, pre-recorded by the Rector. You’ll need to wear a face covering, and we won’t be able to sing, but we hope to lift our spirits with a touch of traditional Christmas joy. Please make your booking soon, as there is a strictly limited capacity for each service….and if your name is not on the list, we’re sorry but you won’t be admitted !
Christmas Eve at 4pm: online Christingle Service 823 2226 2104 and 609662
A family friendly zoom service for all ages led by The Rector. Bring a candle, an orange, some ribbon, cocktail sticks, sweets or dried fruit and try your hand at making your own Christingle during the service. Carols, readings, and a chance for friends old and new and family members from afar to join in Checkendon’s biggest service of the year. Please note the unique zoom numbers for this service.
Christmas Day at 9am: in church
A “live” simple, said, and short service of Holy Communion in church for those who are up to put the oven on. Booking strictly necessary, via the Rector.
Christmas Day at 11am: online Celebration. 819 5724 2067 and 865581
Our main morning service will of necessity need to be via zoom this year. Join our great celebration of the birth of Christ, and the hope that he brings. Everyone is very welcome to this virtual communion service, which will be led by the Rector, with contributions from near and far. Another set of unique zooom numbers – hence my advice to print this email out, or keep it safe !
If you are unable to be with loved ones this Christmas, for whatever reason, why not invite them to “come to church” with you? It is OK to pass on the zoom codes to family members, but please do not share them via social media.
Please note that the Church will remain open on Christmas Day after the 9am service, until 4pm. You are all very welcome to visit to see the decorations, and to say a private prayer or two for loved ones. It has been a year unlike any that we have ever known, and to spend a few moments in God’s presence asking for the Light of Christ to shine in all our hearts would be a suitable prayer for any of us to make. As I said way back at the start of all this – Checkendon Church will have known plague before, and will be waiting for us, once the storm has passed. There is a deep theological truth at the heart of our current national mood; we will celebrate Christmas as best we can, but in our hearts we are already looking to Easter.
Canon Kevin Davies