Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 1st December 2020

Something cheery this way comes

Dear friends,

As we emerge from lockdown to….lockdown… it can be galling to think that we might have to do this all the way to Easter. However, looking back, we’ve come a long way, and looking forward there are some things we can each do to live and grow throughout this winter. A marathon is run just one step at a time, and by breaking down the time ahead into bite size chunks the size of the task is less daunting. So, take one day at a time, and put markers (Christmas being one such) down to measure how far you’ve come. It is in that spirit I am offering the Advent Journey, as something to cheer us through December, with a daily reflection and prayer for just ten minutes at 8.30pm. Come every day, or drop in. I’m sure you’ll find something to cheer the soul.

The Advent Journey devotional ten minutes  every day at 8.30pm       842 3891 2144 and 123165

Sunday Worship for 6th December

Morning Prayer with Revd Kevin  11am   636 645 195  and 000162. A simple service of readings, hymns and prayers to start the week.

For the other services this Sunday across the Team ministry, please see the Team website      The 9am live service at Checkendon will resume in the New Year.

It is absolutely OK to invite friends and family to join us via zoom. Do share the zoom codes with them. Please don’t however publish them on social media.

Your church continues to need your support as the pandemic has effectively removed a proportion of our income streams, whilst the expenditure has stayed the same: Checkendon’s online giving page can be found here.

Thank you!

Carol Service at Checkendon Church on Sunday 20th December. Sittings at 3, 4 and 5pm.  Everyone welcome.

Come and enjoy a Covid-secure Carol service, pre-recorded by the Rector. The Church will be decorated and candle-lit and the service will last about 35 minutes. Sittings at 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm. Booking strictly necessary via . You’ll need to wear a face covering, and we won’t be able to sing, but we hope to lift our spirits with a touch of traditional Christmas joy. Please make your booking soon, as there is a limited capacity for each service….so don’t leave it too late. If your name is not on the “heavenly” list, we’re sorry but you won’t be admitted !

Lastly, one more tip for getting through the winter. As well as writing Christmas lists, many people find it helps to make a list of jobs for each day. If you do this, be realistic about what you can achieve, and don’t make it too long. Include something on your list that you enjoy doing which you will look forward to. Always include one or two “easy wins” (simple tasks that won’t take long), and start the day with one of these. Then, if everything else goes wrong, you can at least say, “well, I’ve done that.”

So, let us “press on towards the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:14)

May the peace of God be with you all.

Revd Kevin



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