A jab of joy
Dear friends,
Today we can look to the skies (if the fog lifts) and remind ourselves that the sun is shining up there somewhere. As the very first people receive the new Covid vaccine the hope is that the blanket of fears and restrictions can eventually be eased. We have many miles to go yet – probably until Easter, at least. Even those vaccinated today will not become immune until this time in January. So, it will be a slow burn but the first match has been struck, the first candle lit.
This does mean that Christmas will be different. There will be limited capacity live services around the Team area, all of which will require pre-booking. This week I have been busy recording and compiling the items for a recorded Carol service in Checkendon Church on Sunday 20th December.
The Church will be decorated and candle-lit and the service will last about 35 minutes. There will be three sittings at 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm.
Booking is strictly necessary via sj.endacott@googlemail.com as you will be allocated a pew.
You’ll need to wear a face covering, and we won’t be able to sing along, but we hope to lift our spirits with a touch of traditional Christmas joy. Please make your booking soon, as there is a limited capacity for each service. It will be just like Radio 4, but better.
Sunday worship for 13th December
Holy Communion with Revd Kevin 11am 636 645 195 and 000162. Hymns, prayers, and an Advent eucharist filmed in Checkendon Church.
For the other services this Sunday across the Team ministry, please see the Team website The 9am live service at Checkendon will resume in the New Year. It is absolutely OK to invite friends and family to join us via zoom. Do share the zoom codes with them. Please don’t however publish them on social media.
Your church continues to need your support as the pandemic has halved our income, whilst the expenditure has stayed the same: Checkendon’s online giving page can be found here. Thank you!
Don’t worry about January….let’s enjoy Advent*
A group of us are having a jolly time exploring the road to Bethlehem, and the Bible characters we meet there. We are finding this a good opportunity for a daily moment of spiritual rest and refreshment on this long and winding way that is 2020. Advent is a time of penitence, prayer and preparation. It is great to be able to do a little of this in good company at the end of each day. Come along daily, or just drop in as you wish. You will be very welcome.
The Advent Journey devotional ten minutes every day at 8.30pm 842 3891 2144 and 123165
Thank you for your support for your church and our communities. May the Lord be with us all,
Revd Kevin Davies.
*….my paraphrase of Matthew 6:34.