Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire
Whitchurch on Hill Church

St John the Baptist, Whitchurch Hill

St John the Baptist Church

Whitchurch Hill is a village in the Chiltern Hills and is about 5.5 miles west of Reading.  The village has a pretty church, St John the Baptist, designed by Francis Bacon in 1883. It was founded as a sister church to St Mary’s for the people who lived and worked in Whitchurch Hill in the 1800s.  It is a much smaller church, with an intimate feel; both churches are united in one parish, with one PCC.  We enjoy family worship twice a month at St John’s, with a small band a monthly Sunday School within our All Age Worship Service.  Most of our baptisms take place at S John’s.  We have special acts of worship at Harvest, with a Harvest Supper in Goring Heath Halls across the road; at Remembrance with an annual Act of Remembrance on the hill and at Christmas with our ever-popular 9 Lessons & Carols, we well as a Christmas Morning Communion Service.

Whitchurch Hill Lychgate
Whitchurch Hill Lychgate

To find out more about our daily life together at Whitchurch Hill, click here and look up the church page on our Whitchurch Village Website.

A gallery of images for this church can be found at this link






Church Contact Details:

Contact:  please see the contact details page for Revd James Leach
Church Address: St John the Baptist, Whitchurch Hill, Oxfordshire, RG8 7PA
The Rectory Address: St Mary’s House, Whitchurch-on-Thames, RG8 7D

Langtree Team Rector: Revd Canon Kevin Davies
Village Website: