Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

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From the Rector: Easter Day 2018

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! A very joyful Easter to you, and a warm welcome to our celebration services across the Langtree Team Ministry area. May the blessing of Christ rest upon us all. Annual Meetings April is the time of year when churches are thinking about their annual meetings, and church council members stand up for election, or stand down after…

From the Rector: Sunday 28th January 2018

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry area this morning. May the peace and joy of Jesus Christ be with you all. I’m pleased to report that I am safely returned from Bishop Andrew’s pilgrimage to Ethiopia, with numerous discoveries, adventures and surprises to share with you over the course of…

From the Rector: Sunday 8th October 2017

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry area. May the peace of Christ be with us all. Please remember in your prayers Tessa Merson and Daniel Terzino, to be married at Checkendon this coming Saturday. Also Jack Rowling and Rupert Poynter, to be baptised next Sunday. We give thanks for the…

From the Rector: Sunday 13th August 2017

Dear Friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area this morning. A particular welcome if you are on holiday, or visiting friends and family in this part of the world. May God’s peace and joy be yours through Jesus Christ. Your prayers are requested for those whose lives are blighted by mental…

From the Rector: Sunday 2nd July 2017

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, from all of us across the Langtree Team Ministry area. May the peace of Christ be with you. The Langtree Team Ministry is your local Church of England church, in partnership with five other parishes in our immediate area. You can find out about us at Each church is led by a…

From the Rector: Sunday 14th May 2017

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area. A particular welcome for those who are visiting, or  recently moved into the area. Please do make yourself known to a member of the ministry team. Those at Checkendon will be pleased to hear (no pun intended) that the sound system has been…

From the Rector: a web only post for Easter Eve

Forget any ideas you may have about Jerusalem unless you’ve actually been there. In my recent visit to the city I travelled regularly on the tram system. There’s only one line, but it is modern, cheap, and efficient. Everybody uses it. You’ll see if you look carefully at this picture that there are orthodox Jews (big hat) white westerners (in the window)…