Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Announcements (Page 15)

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From the Rector: Tuesday 21st July 2020

Episcopal Extract Dear friends, The clergy of the Diocese all received a letter from the Bishop of Oxford last week, from which I quote: …..I know, from my inspiring visits to deanery chapters in recent weeks, of the quite astounding efforts and commitment that you have invested in adapting and flexing the ministry and mission of our churches in every locality, and…

From the Rector: Tuesday 14th July 2020

Zoom Survey Dear friends, Those of you who were at the zoom service hosted by Kevin last Sunday were asked a number of questions about your worship preferences and our use of zoom, and your opinions about returning to church. The popularity of our zoom offerings was underscored by 80%  certainly supporting a continuation of zoom services, even after our churches have…

From the Rector: Tuesday 30th June 2020

Back to the Future (part V) Dear friends, You may well be wondering, given the various media and government announcements over the past week, what is going to happen regarding opening up our church buildings for Sunday worship, weddings and funerals. As I write, we are still awaiting the National Church’s “take” on the government guidance for all places of worship issued…

From the Rector: Tuesday 23rd June 2020

A time for everything Dear friends, As the national lockdown begins to ease we move once again into a season of uncertainty. The Covid-19 virus remains in general circulation and it remains highly infectious. Progress has been made on a treatment, and several vaccine candidates are undergoing trials. We know however that it is possible for someone to pass on the virus…