Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 16th June 2020

New Faces

Dear friends,

One of the exciting things about our zoom worship has been how easy it is to involve friends and family who are far away, and welcome new faces into our wider church family. There is a sense of solidarity and hope in the face of the unknowns and uncertainties that we find in the new world emerging around us. We are discovering a community that is bounded not by the walls of our church buildings, but one that is unbounded by the limitless love of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

I’m pleased to share with you this photo of Revd and Mrs James and Debbie Leach who will be joining our Team sometime in the autumn – two more new faces to share in our pilgrimage of faith. James and Debbie will be moving into St Mary’s House in Whitchurch and James will be licensed as the House for Duty priest for St Mary’s and St John’s. We await confirmation of a licensing date from Bishop Colin’s office. It is wonderfully encouraging to be reminded that the Spirit of God is at work in our world, guiding and resourcing his people.

Revd James and Mrs Debbie Leach

Sunday Worship 21st June

There are three services to choose between on Sunday that are hosted locally.

10am Service of the Word led by Revd John.         Meeting ID: 188 513 761  Passcode 019797.                 A service with prayers and readings

10am The Open Door led by Jerry Older.        Meeting ID:    849 2706 9736     Passcode:     118560         Come on in, for a welcome, and prayer and praise.

11am Family Service led by Revd Kevin.     Meeting ID: 636 645 195  Passcode: 000162      Lockdown Hymns from the Checkendon Music Group, breakout chat, and something new to try.

There is also the Daily Hope phone line 0800 804 8044 for prayers, readings and reflections at any time of day or night. The national church of England also streams a Sunday Service, as does the Oxford Diocese. Do explore what others are doing – it is a great way of “getting out” !

Online Giving

Thank you very much indeed to all those of you who have responded so generously to my appeal last week on behalf of Checkendon Church. Like every sector of the UK economy every church in our team has had cash flow disruption thanks to the lockdown and Covid crisis.

It has meant that we are looking in new ways at how we raise funds to support our churches, and for churches one of these ways has been to make it possible for people to give to their church online using a credit or debit card. Two of the churches in our Team, Woodcote and Checkendon, have recently opened online giving portals, which you can access via both the Team Ministry, and the National Church of England websites.

Just go to and click on the church of your choice to try it out. You’ll also be asked if you want to make a Gift Aid declaration to enable income tax to be reclaimed.

Or click the church names above to go to the relevant National Church page, and click on “Support this Church”.

What a brave new world we find ourselves in – and yet, it too, remains a place wherein God’s Spirit moves.

Thank you all again for your support, encouragement and care for one another during these times.

Your Rector

Canon Kevin




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