Zoom Survey
Dear friends,
Those of you who were at the zoom service hosted by Kevin last Sunday were asked a number of questions about your worship preferences and our use of zoom, and your opinions about returning to church. The popularity of our zoom offerings was underscored by 80% certainly supporting a continuation of zoom services, even after our churches have reopened. About half would support a reopening of churches in September or October, with over a third not really wanting to return to church until a Covid vaccine was widely available.
These responses will help your church councils as they begin to get to grips with the how and when, and what, of reopening our buildings. We will take things cautiously and considerately, grateful for the support of the Bishop of Oxford, who is reminding us that there is no one size fits all, and that safety is the priority over haste.
Sunday Worship for the 19th of July
This Sunday’s worship options are hosted by Revds John, Linda and Kevin. You will need the zoom app installed on your device (laptop, tablet, phone or PC) – download from https://www.zoom.us. Just before the appointed time, run the app, click on “join meeting” and enter the meeting number and passcode below for the service you wish to attend.
Holy Communion with Revd John 10am 188 513 761 and 019797 Share in the sacrament together.
The Open Door Service with Revd Linda 10am 874 5789 3541 and 881657 A simple and friendly service to start the day.
Family Service with Revd Kevin 11am 636 645 195 and 000162. An informal service for all ages, with worship songs, a talk, and a craft activity to try at home.
There are also midweek service options available on Wednesdays and Fridays in the evening. Do check out the Team website for full details.
Lockdown loosening ?
For some people, lockdown has been a terrifying experience of isolation and loneliness, while others have been able to find comfort and companionship at home with family or flatmates. Some have been plunged into the most dreadful economic insecurity, with job loss and income collapse, while others have been rushed off their feet unable to keep up with the sudden increase in demand. It has been a time of polarisation and contrast underneath the blanket of silence and the absence of the noise of the internal combustion engine. In many ways we are now moving on into a period of increased insecurity again, as we are once more asked to make changes to how we live. Please don’t underestimate the stress that “reverse lockdown” will place upon everyone, and upon infrastructure systems. Pray for one another, and keep on looking for the good in small things. It is the way God gets a word in.
Your Rector Revd Kevin Davies