Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Church News (Page 35)

From the Rector: Sunday 7th August

Dear Friends, A very warm welcome to this service, from all of us across the Langtree Team Churches. May God’s peace and joy be with you. Thank you to those of you who came to the Team Service at St Leonard’s last Sunday, and to the congregation of St Leonard’s for the warmth of your welcome. Your prayers are requested for Revd…

From the Rector: Sunday 24th and 31st July

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry area. May God’s peace and joy be with you. A special welcome if you are worshipping with us for the first time, or visiting family and friends. Give thanks to God for the work of your local school, now broken up for the summer…

From The Rector: Sunday 17th July

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area. May God’s peace and joy be with you. In case you missed the big news made by announcement in our churches last week, I will repeat it here in print: I am pleased to inform you that the Revd Alan Gates has been…

From the Rector: Sunday 3rd July 2016

Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service. May we all know the peace, hope, joy and love of Christ in our worship this morning, and throughout the days ahead. In amidst all the uncertainty following the EU referendum result there are however things that we can be sure of: the love of God is real, and revealed among us by…

Notice sheet for 20th March 2016

Dear Friends, Welcome to this Palm Sunday Service as we start Holy Week, and recall Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Branches of trees and clothing were strewn ahead of him as he rode on a donkey into God’s Holy City. The crowd cheered, crying “Hosanna” (Save !) and were expecting Jesus to do something wonderful…


Notice Sheet for 13th March 2016

Langtree Team Ministry Notice Sheet for 13th March 2016 5th Sunday of Lent Start of Passiontide (Purple) Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping this morning in our churches. A special welcome to you if you are visiting, or with us for the first time. Do please make yourself…

Notice Sheet for 6th March 2016

Langtree Team Ministry Notice Sheet for 6th March 2016 4th Sunday of Lent Mothering Sunday (Purple) Dear friends, A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area this morning. A special welcome to guests, visitors, and family members who have joined us today for our Mothering Sunday thanksgivings. On the fourth Sunday of Lent…