Dear Friends,
Welcome to this Palm Sunday Service as we start Holy Week, and recall Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Branches of trees and clothing were strewn ahead of him as he rode on a donkey into God’s Holy City. The crowd cheered, crying “Hosanna” (Save !) and were expecting Jesus to do something wonderful for them.
He did, but not quite how they imagined it. Hoped for liberation from Roman oppression did not happen.
Instead, a betrayal, a mockery of a trial and a brutal execution. Rome had a very efficient way of dealing with messiahs. They’d seen it all before.
Except that they hadn’t. Three days later the tomb was empty, and disciples once closeted in terror were now fearlessly proclaiming that their Lord was alive. Not even death could hold him. So was born the faith that would within centuries bring liberation from Rome, by changing Rome from within, as hearts and minds became seized by the love of God that was in their days now poured out afresh upon the world.
Do join us as we continue our Holy Week journey on Maundy Thursday at St Peter & St Paul Checkendon at 7.30pm. The Easter Services on Good Friday and Easter Day can be found at
Plans are well underway for the recruitment of a successor to Revd David Addison after his retirement on June 5th. A special page has been created on the Team Ministry website, with links to the job profile and details of how to apply. Do have a look at and please do pray that the right person will be led to this page !
with every blessing in our Lord Jesus, who gave himself for our sake.
Your Rector and Area Dean Revd Kevin Davies