Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 3rd July 2016

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service. May we all know the peace, hope, joy and love of Christ in our worship this morning, and throughout the days ahead.

In amidst all the uncertainty following the EU referendum result there are however things that we can be sure of:

the love of God is real, and revealed among us by the Holy Spirit of Christ, who gifts us and calls us to continue to serve and care and pray;

the kingdom of God is an eternal kingdom, far above all rule and authority, throne and empire;

the Church of God still stands, local, national, and international, as the Body of Christ where we are;

The good news of Jesus Christ still needs to be proclaimed afresh in our generation;

The Scriptures still speak to us of God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;

The call to loving and compassionate service has not been abrogated. There are still hurts to be healed, hearts to be mended, prayers to be spoken. There are still songs to be sung, and lives to be transformed by the power of the living God.

So this day, as in every day, let us pray for strength and courage and hope that we may use our freedom wisely and well, in the time that God has given us to share together.

We can celebrate an answer to prayer in that as a result of interviews last Friday an appointment was able to be made to the Rectorship of Kidmore End and Sonning Common. Thank you to all of you who prayed for a good result ! More details will follow in due course. Please continue to pray for an appointment to be able to be made to Ipsden and North Stoke.

Finally, churchwardens among you are reminded that our annual Henley Deanery Churchwardens Supper will be held on Wed 13th July, from 7pm, at Bix Village Hall. This is hosted by Heather Llewellyn as your Lay Chair, and myself as Area Dean, and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.

with every blessing in our Lord’s great name.

Your Rector            Revd Kevin Davies.


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