Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, and a particular welcome to you if you are joining in with your parish’s Harvest Festival celebations. We take so much for granted in these days of convenience food, and 24 hour shopping. But before we have even left the breakfast table we have depended upon half the world. Our interconnectedness, with one another, with the earth, and with God, is all too often assumed, but each area needs work and care if the relationship is to mean anything, and flourish. The heart of the Scriptures is that God has human flourishing at His heart. The gift of Creation in Genesis chapter one comes with the imperative to be fruitful, and Christ comes to save and restore our relationship with God which we have spurned and broken through wilful pride.
So let us gladly take these moments together to remind ourselves of our dependence upon God, each other, and the fruitful earth, and let us show our gratitude with love and praise.
Licensing Service
Please do make a date in your diary for the Team Service of Licensing for Revd Alan Gates at St mary’s North Stoke on Thursday 13th October at 7.30pm. Bishop Colin and Archdeacon Judy will be joining us for this special service so it would be excellent if we could fill the church. Your wardens and PCCs have each been invited to send a number of representatives to this service, to ensure that all the churches across the Langtree Team area are represented. However the service is also open to all, so if you would like to attend, please just turn up, as it will be a case of “the more the merrier”.
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below.
Praise him above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.” (Bishop Thomas Ken)
Your Rector and Area Dean Revd Kevin Davies