Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping today in our Langtree Team area. May God’s peace, and hope, be shared among us.
This week sees two major extra services in our area. Firstly, this afternoon at 3.30pm there is the regional service of welcome for our new Bishop of Oxford, Rt Rev Steven Croft. This is being held at Dorchester Abbey and we are all invited, as it is our first proper opportunity to see what our new Bishop looks and sounds like.

Secondly, and just as importantly for us in the Langtree Team we have our Team Service of Licensing for Revd Alan Gates at St Mary’s North Stoke on Thursday (13th October) at 7.30pm. Alan and Margaret have recently moved into the Vicarage in Ipsden, and are beginning to make their new home among us.
Bishop Colin and Archdeacon Judy will be joining us for this special service so it would be excellent if we could fill the church to bursting. Your wardens and PCCs have each been invited to send a number of representatives to this service, to ensure that all the churches across the Langtree Team area are represented. However the service is also open to all, so if you would like to attend, please just turn up, as it is important that we show our support for Alan and Margaret and join together in prayer with the Bishop for them both as Alan begins his ministry with us.

Finally, this will be my last notice to you as the Area Dean of Henley. The five years of my term of office have flown by, with all manner of excitements across the deanery, and I am grateful to God for the learning, and the sharing that have taken place. I remain “Team Rector of the Langtree Team”, of course, but, for those of you who have supported, prayed for and encouraged me in this larger role throughout my tenure I would simply like to acknowledge the debt I owe to you all.
Your Rector, and Area Dean (for one more day)
Revd Kevin Davies