Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, and a particular welcome if you are with us for the first time, in whatever capacity.
Welcome to Alan and Margaret
It is lovely to welcome Revd Alan and Margaret Gates to the Langtree Team family – this is their first official Sunday on duty. Thank you to those of you who came to share in Alan’s licensing service at North Stoke on Thursday, and for the wardens and PCCs of both North Stoke and Ipsden for their work is arranging the party afterwards.
Those of you who came to North Stoke will have also seen Bishop Colin license Revd Linda Smith as the new Area Dean of Henley ! Many congratulations from us all, Linda. We’ll be supporting and praying for you all the way.

Don’t forget that our next Team Service will be on Sunday 30th October (a fifth Sunday) at 10.30am at St Peter and St Paul’s Checkendon. There will be no other Sunday services across the Team area on that day, so please do make the most of the opportunity to gather together for worship and fellowship.
Finally, “rejoice in the Lord, always, and again I say, rejoice.” (Phillipians 4:4)
Your Rector Revd Kevin Davies