Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 5th February 2017

Dear friends,

A warm welcome to this service from all of us in the Langtree Team Ministry. May you know God’s peace and joy in the worship today.

This week do pray for our local schools, as they work towards half term on Friday. Our churches have a unique role in some of our schools in that we are involved in their governance, and help to maintain the Christian ethos of those that have a Church of England foundation. Give thanks for those who volunteer to help in this way – and if helping out at your local school is something that might interest you, please do have a word with your resident minister.

Don’t forget to pop a little something into the Foodbank collecting boxes in your churches, and please keep an eye on the elderly and/or infirm of your communities. It is so easy for an older person to get cold, or feel shut in, at this time of the year.

Finally, those of you who are wondering what went on at the Checkendon Jazz night last week can look on the Team website in the Checkendon photo gallery for some images, and there are couple of videos online on YouTube which give a small idea of the sound!  But only a small idea….

The links are   and

Every blessing,                                                             Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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