Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 12th February 2017

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langree Team Ministry Area this morning. A particular welcome to those of you who are visiting family and friends for half term, or are on holiday. May God’s peace be with you.

These few weeks of February give us a brief chance to prepare for the weeks of Lent, which begins on Wed March 1st (also St David’s Day). We will be holding our Team Service for Ash Wednesday at 7.30pm on that day, at St John’s Whitchurch Hill. Do make a note of it in your diary.

There will be a number of Lent courses running across the Team churches, and details will be appearing here over the next few weeks. Do take this opportunity to meet together with others to pray and study as one mark of your faith. It is quite acceptable to join a group not hosted by your “home” church, if the subject matter, or the timing, prove to be more convenient for you. In each case you are invited to contact the group leader directly to register your interest.

To get the ball rolling, the Lent group at Checkendon will be commencing on Tuesday 7th March, at 1.30pm, at The Rectory, and we will be studying the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for this year. Everyone is very welcome – please do get in touch with me if you’d like to come along.

Wishing you all a peaceful half term week.

Your Rector                                                                Kevin Davies


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