Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping across the Langtree Team ministry area today. May the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
It is the third week of Lent. Details of the continuing Lent groups, and Lent lunches are posted later in this sheet. Many thanks to all of you who are hosting, or leading these excellent opportunities for fellowship and learning.
Next Sunday is Mothering Sunday (11th March) and your church will be holding a special service to give thanks to God for all that our mothers do and are for us. Do come along, and share in the thanksgiving.
The Team Service on Maundy Thursday this year (29th March) will be held at St Mary’s Ipsden at 7.30pm. Please make a note of this in your diary, and plan to join us for this communion of the Last Supper. Good Friday services (30th April) will be held locally as usual around the churches of the Team.
Many of you have been asking me about my recent pilgrimage to Ethiopia with Bishop Andrew of Reading. I’m going to be doing an open evening, with lots of wonderful pictures, on Tuesday May 8th, (venue to be decided) for anyone from across the Team (or indeed the wider deanery) who would be interested to discover more about not only what Ethiopia is like today, but also the Coptic Church there, who make up 55% of the population. Just make a note of the date for now – more details will follow. Team Council members should note that this will replace our scheduled meeting, barring any extraordinary business.
May you all find grace and peace in the Lord throughout this Lenten season.
Your Rector Revd Kevin Davies