Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 11th March 2018

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this Mothering Sunday service, wherever you are worshipping around the Langtree Team Ministry area. The fourth Sunday in Lent was traditionally a brief respite from the rigours of the Lenten fast, where families would make a big effort to return home and visit their “mother” church, being the place of their baptism, where their Christian life had begun. Today we give thanks not only for the Church as our spiritual mother, but also our earthly mothers too, thanking God for all those who have cared for us in any way along our life’s journey.

So it is a good day to reflect and call to mind those individuals and groups without whom we would not be the people that we are today. Whom do you need to thank God for this morning?

In some of our churches today flowers and simnel cake will be shared, with our special thanks to those who have contributed to these gifts.

Lent Study groups and Lent lunches continue around the Team ministry area as detailed later on this sheet. Do make the most of these excellent opportunities for fellowship and growth in discipleship. At Checkendon we have been reading Luigi Gioia’s devotional book “Say it to God” which is helping us to rediscover our own prayer lives, and setting the scene for the Archbishops’ “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer initiative later in the year. It is challenging and encouraging in just the right balance.

May the Lord bless you, look kindly upon you, and give you peace.

Your Rector                                Canon Kevin Davies

Bright flowers for Mothering Sunday



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