Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping this morning across the Langtree Team ministry. We are in the second week of Lent, and I hope that you are making the most of the opportunities presented to you around the Team to share in learning, fellowship and grow in discipleship. Lent groups, and Lent lunches are being hosted all around the Team area so please do consider going along. It helps the host with catering if you let them know that you plan to come along.
Looking ahead a few weeks, Mothering Sunday is the 11th March this year, and your church will be holding a special service to give thanks to God for all that our mothers do and are for us.
Maundy Thursday this year is 29th March, and the Team Service (The communion of the Last Supper) will be held at St Mary’s Ipsden at 7.30pm. Do make a note of this in your diary. Good Friday (30th April) services will be held locally as usual all around the Team churches. Times for these will be posted on the website.
Your prayers at this Lenten time are particularly asked for our neighbouring parishes of Goring & Streatley, and the Nettlebed benefice, both of whom are without a Vicar at the moment. Pray for God’s peace for churchwardens and PCC members, and those in the ministry teams in these places.
Finally, do take a moment to look around you before the service begins, and pray quietly for one or two of those sitting close by. Who knows what God will do through you?
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies