Dear friends,
May the peace of Christ be with you all. Welcome to our worship services today across the Langtree Team Ministry area. If you are visiting over half term, or with us for the first time, please do introduce yourself to the minister leading your service. We’d love to meet you.
Our thoughts and prayers remain with the victims of the Manchester terrorist attack, and with those who though not physically hurt will be mentally scarred for the rest of their lives because of the things they have seen. Please pray too for the churches and Christian leaders in the city, as they show compassion and leadership in their communities. We pray for boldness and courage in the Muslim communities, that some would be strong enough to speak out publicly against those who deal in atrocity in the name of their god. Most of all, let us pray for unity, and peace, across all of Manchester’s ethnic groups, and for strength for good people to live in love.
Next Sunday is Pentecost, when the church celebrates the Gift of the Holy Spirit, marking the very beginning of our faith. Do join us as we share together God’s love for His broken and hurting world.
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies