Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service from all of us in the Langtree Team ministry churches. May God’s peace and joy be with you. Please do come and make yourself known to the worship leader if you are with us for the first time, or staying with friends or family. We’d love to meet you.
At this time of year our thoughts and prayers turn to those sitting formal examinations – whether university finals, A levels or GCSEs. Spare a thought for them all, and also those who have to mark their papers !
At Checkendon this morning we welcome to our family worship Mr Chris Alcock as our guest preacher. Chris is now fully licensed to preach by the Bishop of Dorchester throughout our Team area and we look forward to hearing from him.
The recent cyber attacks on our national infrastructure have reminded all of us just how dependent we have become on computers and the internet to go about our daily lives. This would have been impossible not twenty years ago, and we thank God for the advances in technology which have improved so many people’s quality of life. Sadly the human tendancy to wickedness has also found new opportunities for malevolence within new technology too; computer “viruses” do not spring from nothing, but are written and released by groups or individuals for malicious purposes. If you were ever in any doubt about the reality of “sin” then look no further.
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies