Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 11th June 2017

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping across the Langtree Team Ministry area. In these days of heightened tension, and security threats, our freedom to worship remains an important marker of the degree of civilisation that we enjoy. The same cannot be said for Christians in other parts of the world. May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in Him.

Today is Trinity Sunday when as a church we remind ourselves of the three ways that we know and experience God in the world and in our lives: as the Creator Father, as the Saving Son, and as the Sancitifying Spirit. As Father, God makes and upholds the Universe, as Jesus the Son God was revealed in history and reconciled humanity to God, and as the Holy Spirit God comes to us today in our own lives and churches, bringing supernatural gifts of love, faith, and unity, amongst many others. This “three ways of thinking and experiencing” the one God is a fundamental distinction between Christian belief and the other Abrahamic faiths of Judaism and Islam, both of whom deny the Sonship of Christ, and also the agency of the Spirit. The Christian faith is the only one where God’s initiative towards humanity has been made in person (ie the person of Christ) and where that initiative is ongoing through the work of the Holy Spirit in both the Church and the World.

Next Sunday at Checkendon we are holding a special Family Service for Father’s Day !    Dad’s and all other superheroes are warmly invited to our very informal and joyful act of worship and thanksgiving. There will be Father-Friendly refreshments too.  Checkendon Church are having their annual church and graveyard cleanup the day before – on Saturday 17th June from 10-12noon. Please do come and lend a hand.

Also on Father’s Day, the Revd Alan is holding a special Songs of Praise service at Mongewell. Do make the most of this lovely opportunity to sing some great hymns in one of the most evocative settings that the Team ministry offers. Details on the back page of this sheet.

Finally, please do continue to remember in prayer all those who were caught up in the Manchester and London attacks, and the families of those killed or maimed. Please also do pray for those elected to office this week, that there may be wisdom, common sense, and truthful speech in all the high places of this land.

Your Team Rector                                                        Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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