Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area this morning. May God’s peace and joy be with us all as we approach the end of Lent, and the season of Passiontide (Holy Week) approaches.Next Sunday sees Palm Sunday services across the Team, and our Team Service for Maundy Thursday is to be held this year at St Mary’s Ipsden at 7.30pm on Thursday 29th March. I do hope that you can join us as we celebrate the Communion of the Last Supper. There will also be some musical input from a bespoke choir, with representation from the whole Team, for what promises to be a very special evening.
Good Friday and Easter Day services will be held locally as usual, and full details can be found elsewhere on this sheet, and on the team ministry website.
As our Lent study groups and Lent lunches draw to a close, do take the opportunity to let your group leader know what you have gained from your participation, and areas where we might continue to learn and to grow as Christians. On your behalf I’d like to thanks all leaders, hosts, and hospitality providers that make our groups both welcoming and worthwhile.
May God’s grace and peace be with you all
Your Rector Canon Kevin Davies