Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this Palm Sunday service from all of us in the Langtree Team Churches. Today we remember the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, coming in humilty on a donkey, acclaimed by the crowds as their King, and confronting the authorities in the Temple over their priorities which put money first and God second. Take your Palm Cross home as a reminder of Christ’s passion, and perhaps use it as a daily aid for your prayers. Pin it to your noticeboard, or use some blu-tack to stick it in a window (either car or home) where you will see it every day.
As Holy Week begins, and Lent draws to a close, I invited you to join us for our special service for Maundy Thursday, at St Mary’s Ipsden, on 29th March at 7.30pm.
Good Friday and Easter Day services are listed elsewhere on this sheet, and on the team ministry website. Please support your local church, as your ministry team have worked very hard to ensure that all our churches can have services throughout this joyful season. A particular thank you to everyone, lay or ordained, who struggled through snow and ice last Sunday to make sure that a service of worship took place in your community.
Let us make the most of the opportunity to do some good, show some kindness, live with love, serve with joy and praise with passion while the time is gifted to us.
“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!“
Your Rector Kevin Davies