Dear Friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping across the Langtree Team Ministry today.
It is half term week, so please pray for all pupils, parents, staff and governors of our local schools, and thank God for the work that they all do in building up our local communities.
Give thanks too, for your churchwardens, church council members, and ministry team members, who all contribute to the running of your local church. It takes a great Team effort !
Next Sunday is our Team Service, at 10.30am at St Peter and Paul, Checkendon. Do come and share with us as we worship together.
Also at Checkendon in a couple of weeks time, there will be an illustrated talk on the work of a Saville Row tailor. Michael Skinner, chairman of Dege and Skinner (one of the last remaining family firms on Saville Row) will be telling us a little of the 150 year history of their business at on Friday 11th November at 8pm at Checkendon Village Hall. Tickets £8 (to include wine and canapes) from Sue Endacott on 01189 843858 or Liz Lowth on
Finally, in the quiet a few moments before the service, why not give thanks for something that God has done for you this week?
Your Rector Revd Kevin Davies
PS Great picture of Bishop Colin, Tim Streatfeild and Michael MacFadyen, taken by Martyn Clements at the licensing of Revd Alan Gates last week.