Letters and Orders
Dear friends,
You may not know it, but the above term is church-speak for the papers that a cleric carries to signify that they (a) are genuinely ordained and (b) have the authority of the relevent bishop to minister in a particular place. So, as well as my ordination documents I also have what is known as a “licence” saying that I am the Team Rector of the Langtree benefice, and that I must live in the Rectory, Checkendon, and that I have taken the required oaths (to both the Crown, and to the Lord Bishop of Oxford.) as well as the declaration of assent. So, in this context, I am delighted to let you know that the Revd Romey Poston has now been “licensed” to the Langtree benefice, as an assistant curate, with myself as her “training incumbent”, for the duration of her curacy. This means that her “letters and orders” are now fully up to date, and that she continues her ministry journey with us with the full authority of the Bishop of Oxford behind her. So, let us all rejoice with Romey, and wish her every blessing as she learns, and grows, in ministry in Checkendon, Stoke Row, and across the wider team. “Team” being the operative word, as we know, I hope, that ministry in its fullest sense is a shared adventure of faith, hope, love, and joy, as together we explore God’s call upon each and every one of us. For God has something for everyone, does he not?
Worship Services for Sunday 12th March
9.30am Morning Prayer at St John’s, Stoke Row with Mr Brian Turner
11am Holy Communion at St Peter and Paul, Checkendon with Revd James Leach
Midweek zoom service: Wednesday Evensong at 5.00pm 410 935 129
Do join us for our worship. Your generous support helps your church, directly. Here are the links for Checkendon and Stoke Row secure online card donation pages. It is easy, and tax efficient, to give in this way, as the Gift Aid can be reclaimed automatically.
Woodcote update
I’m pleased to let you know that interviews for the next Team Vicar at St Leonard’s are being held a week tomorrow. Please do pray for the candidates, the Bishop, and all of the interview panel. Just as important, please pray for Hallie and Lochlan Blincow, whom I am baptising at St Leonards on Sunday morning, as they begin their journey in the faith of Jesus. They too, will receive their very first “letters and orders” – ones that we all have – in the shape of their baptism certificates. These, in point of fact, are the most important ones of all, as they mark us out as belonging to Jesus.
“Go into all the world and make disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded. And see, I am with you until the end of time.” Matt 28:28.
Your Rector (insitituted and inducted into the real actual and corporeal posession of the benefice of LANGTREE and of all and singular the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging) The Reverend Canon Kevin Godfrey Davies
PS Do come to a Lent Lunch hosted by Vanessa and Robin Hart on Wednesday March 22nd, between 12.30 and 2.30pm, at Bushy Shaw, Bottom Lane, Checkendon RG8 0NR. Lunch will be soup and bread, and coffee/tea and biscuits. Donations in aid of Wallingford Emergency Food Bank. All welcome. Acceptances appreciated to help with catering: hart.bushy@gmail.com (Tel: 01491 680359)