Mothering Sunday
Dear friends,
This Sunday we honour our mothers, and our worship lifts us out of Lenten austerity, for one Sunday at least. Simnel cake, floral posies, music and thanksgiving. There is much to be thankful for, not least the signs of spring in gardens determined to vanquish the cold of winter. And irrespective whether you are one of those being thanked, or one of those remembering, and thanking, you will be welcome at your church, not just on Sunday, but anytime.
Worship Services for Sunday 19th March: Mothering Sunday
9.30am Informal Worship at St John’s, Stoke Row with Revd Angela Linton
11am Mothering Sunday Service at St Peter and St Paul, Checkendon, with Revd Romey Poston. An all-age service, with the music group, flowers, and refreshments afterwards.
Midweek zoom service: Wednesday Evensong at 5.00pm 410 935 129
Do join us for our worship. Your generous support helps your church, directly. Here are the links for Checkendon and Stoke Row secure online card donation pages. It is easy, and tax efficient, to give in this way, as the Gift Aid can be reclaimed automatically.
Easter Expectations
Your staff team are busy preparing some wonderful services to look forward to over Holy Week and Easter. The Maundy Thursday Team Service is at St Mary’s Ipsden this year (6th April, 7.30pm) and we are going to be sharing in an Agape Meal, in a way that looks back to the life of the early church, and the Jewish passover. As there will be catering involved we are asking you to book ahead, please, by emailing Revd John Blair at
Then on Good Friday, (7th April, 10.30am) Checkendon Church are holding an All Age Service in Checkendon School Hall. Music, craft, colouring, video, hot cross buns. Join in, or watch with a coffee, the choice is yours. This session is specially suitable to children, but adults are equally likely to enjoy it as we explore the message of Easter in a child-friendly way.
Easter Day this year is Sunday 9th April, and all the churches across the Team will be holding their Easter celebrations at their usual Sunday service times: for Stoke Row and Checkendon that is 0930 and 1100 respectively. Please do get your diary out and mark the dates now! “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!'” Psalm 122:1 Fans of choral music will enjoy this version of Parry’s classic anthem, from St Philip’s Cathedral in Atlanta.
Thank you all for your support and care.
Your Rector, Revd Canon Kevin Davies