Dear friends,
Our Lent Journey online pilgrimage is now in its fourth week. We’ve been enjoying exploring “forty words” of Jesus from the New Testament for a few minutes each evening; “Peace”; “Freedom”; “Fear”; “Forgive” being just a few. The good thing about the format is that you can drop in for a day or two as your week permits, or not miss a step, whichever works best for you. Our material and fellowship provide a daily foil to the deluge of pressures that we face, and a chance to reconnect with God through reflection, music and prayer. Thank you for all your support for our churches, whether in person, or online. We are still learning what it means to follow Christ, and walk with him.
Worship Services for Sunday 3rd April
9.30am Family Service at St John’s Stoke Row with Mr Brian Turner
11am Morning Prayer at Checkendon Church with Revd Kevin Davies. A service from the old prayer book, with hymns, a short sermon and coffee.
Other service options for elsewhere in the Team can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website. There’s no Sunday evening online service during Lent, as our daily reflections have begun:
The Lent Journey: 8.30-8.40pm online every day on zoom: 842 3891 2144 and 123165
“Forty Words” is our ten minute daily online reflection for Lent 2022, hosted by Revd Kevin and Revd John. A word from Scripture, a reflection, music and prayer between 8.30-8.40pm every day. You can join the pilgrimage using zoom numbers 842 3891 2144 and 123165. Do make a note of them in your diary. Everyone is welcome, wherever you are Come every day, or drop in when you can.
Easter Services for your diary.
Palm Sunday 10th April 9.30 am Morning Prayer at Stoke Row and 11am Holy Communion at Checkendon.
Maundy Thursday 14th April: Communion of the Last Supper at Checkendon at 7.30pm.
Good Friday 15th April: An informal and interactive service for all ages at Checkendon School at 10.30am. Songs, craft, video, colouring and hot cross buns!
Easter Sunday 17th April: 9.30am Holy Communion with Revd Angela at Stoke Row, 10.30am Easter Celebration at Checkendon with Revd Kevin.
Thank you to all of you who have indicated to me that you are willing to host a Ukrainian refugee, or offer practical or financial help once the arrivals begin. Once we hear news of any placement(s) being made I will convene a meeting and we can allocate a “supporter” or three to each host. Connections are being made across our communities as we discover and relate to other local networks, and begin to build the machinery of hope.
your Rector, Kevin Davies
Gardener’s Note. Daffodils in full bloom and a golden yellow forsythia encourage us to lift our heads in these “dog days” of Lent, for Easter glory beckons. Seeds still in packets start to ask questions of timing, but are directed to the weather forecasts of chill April nights: “you want to go out in that??”