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Dear friends,
Baby Vincent Kaye had a message for us all at his baptism service on Sunday. (No, not a verbal one!) He was just excited! Once he saw the water being poured into the baptismal bowl his arms and legs began to wave about. Laura, his mum, had to hold on tight. He looked to me as if he would if given the chance simply launch himself into the water. He knew there was something going on, and he wanted in! He reminded all of us that however appalling the news, however deep the suffering, there are nevertheless still good things happening in the world and there are still good people trying to do them. Mostly, these go unreported in the media. Vincent will grow up into a world more uncertain than many of us have ever known. But nevertheless with the attitude that he displayed yesterday, aged only 8 months, and the love of Christ in his heart, we can see for ourselves how God’s long term planning includes hope and joy for all His creation. Every day brings God’s newness. The water of life is before us.
Worship Services for Sunday 27th March
Next Sunday is Mothering Sunday, and we look forward to welcoming you to our special services where we give thanks to God for our mothers, who hold us in their arms, not just when we are excited, but also when we are hurting, or bewildered.
9.30am Mothering Sunday Service at St John’s Stoke Row with Revd Angela Linton
11am Mothering Sunday Service Service at Checkendon Church with Revd Kevin Davies. With hymns, a short sermon, coffee and cake.
Other service options for elsewhere in the Team can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website. There’s no Sunday evening online service during Lent, as our daily reflections have begun:
The Lent Journey: 8.30-8.40pm online every day on zoom: 842 3891 2144 and 123165
“Forty Words” is our ten minute daily online reflection for Lent 2022, hosted by Revd Kevin and Revd John. A word from Scripture, a reflection, music and prayer between 8.30-8.40pm every day. You can join the pilgrimage using zoom numbers 842 3891 2144 and 123165. Do make a note of them in your diary. Everyone is welcome, wherever you are Come every day, or drop in when you can.
Here comes the Sun.
The staff team and I are welcoming a large group of ordinands (=trainee clergy) to the Team today. There is a renewed interest in rural ministry post Covid, and it is great to be able to share our stories and some of the ways that our Team works with those just starting out in their service to the Church.
May the love of Christ be with you all.
Revd Kevin Davies
PS Gardeners will be watching out for the frosts this week, but during the day the sun will work his wonders. Here are the tulips that I shared last week, open in the sun, and dazzling from the inside out. Would that we could do the same!