Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 28th June 2022

Langtree Team Churches Ukrainian Refugee Local Support Fund

Dear friends,

I’m very pleased to announce that a generous anonymous donation has allowed Checkendon Church to launch a fund specifically for the support of Ukrainian refugees hosted in the Langtree Team area. Hosts have been contacted with details about how to apply. The fund remains open for lump sum donations (which can be Gift Aided). Please contact Suzanne Bradley ( for account payment details if you wish to add to the fund at any point.

As more refugees are finding shelter in our villages it is wonderful that we’re not only able to provide a roof, but also practical, and now financial, support too.

Worship Services for Sundays

9.30am at St John’s, Stoke Row

11am at St Peter and Paul, Checkendon

Midweek zoom service: Wednesday Evensong at 5.00pm  410 935 129

Other service options for elsewhere in the Team can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website. Do join us for worship either in person, or online, or both. Don’t forget that you now can support both Checkendon  and  Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very easy! Thank you for your support.

The Last Steps

This will be my last email to you all until October, as my sabbatical begins on Thursday. I am looking forward to the change, and an opportunity to recharge, in body mind and spirit. I hope to be doing a mixture of learning, resting, and writing.  I shall miss you all and I shall miss the departure of my team colleague Revd Linda Smith. Fittingly, I suppose, my daily walking super marathon was brought to an end last week by a sprained ankle keeping me off the road for the first time in 763 consecutive days. But, I suppose, after 2899 miles, a day off was a good way to mark an end, and a break point into a new phase. The ankle is on the mend now, and I am back on the road, but no longer counting anything.

I am profoundly grateful to you for the joy that we have in our shared lives, and shared faith. It is a privilege to serve you and I hope to return in October a better person, with a measure of the wisdom that can sometimes be granted when one has been disconnected for a while. Thank you for your love, and prayers.

Revd Kevin

PS It is Wimbledon fortnight. Let us play…. There are at least five Wimbledon words hidden in the above missive…..or is that seven?



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