Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to our worship on this third Sunday before Lent. (Or, if you like the old money : “Septuagesima”)
But whether you are an old hand, or a newcomer, to our Langtree Churches, we pray for God’s presence and blessing on us all for this service, and for the days ahead.
Special Service
This week, in a special service at 7.30pm on Tuesday evening at St Mary’s Ipsden, we welcome Revd John and Mrs Jean Blair to our Team, as John is licensed as the House for Duty associate priest for Ipsden and North Stoke. Everyone is very welcome to come and share in this celebration of our shared ministry. John and Jean have already moved into Ipsden Vicarage, and John’s ministry will formally commence on Tuesday.
Further ahead, John will be preaching at the Team Service on Ash Wednesday (26th Feb) at St Leonard’s Woodcote, again from 7.30pm. Do make a date to join us for the start of Lent. Details of Lent course options around the Team area will be available soon.
Finally, in these days when winter darkness seems to still drag on and on, is there a neighbour or friend who lives by themselves, whom you could not only remember in your prayers, but perhaps call on sometime soon? Loneliness is a bigger issue than we care to admit, and is increasingly linked to issues of poor well being in every age group.
Your Rector, and servant for Christ’s sake Revd Kevin Davies.
ppf: Please pray for Sebastian Knight, to be baptised at Checkendon next Sunday.
Please pray for those who live alone, or who are alone even though they are “in care”.