Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to our services today, wherever you find yourself in our Langtree Team churches. May the peace and joy of our Lord and Saviour be with us all.
Bible Notes
Vanessa Hart (Checkendon) is looking for one more person to join her subscription club to receive published Bible Reading Notes; when she has ten or more there is a discount, and they come post free! For a small subscription you’ll receive Bible Reading Notes quarterly; if you’d like to know more, or sign up, please contact Vanessa on hart.bushy@outlook.com
Some dates to look forward to: don’t forget the licensing of Revd John Blair at St Mary’s Ipsden on Tues Feb 11th at 7.30pm. Bishop Colin will be officiating at this service, and Archdeacon Judy will also be in attendance. Please do come along and share in the celebration as we welcome John and Jean to the Team.
Ash Wednesday Service
Secondly Lent begins on Wed 26th Feb, and we begin the penitential season with our Team service of Ashing at St Leonard’s Woodcote at 7.30pm that evening, the service being led by Revd Linda. Details of Lent courses that will be running around the Team will be coming soon!
Please pray for
Finally, please do remember in prayer Bishop Colin, who is having to cover the whole Diocese (again) at the moment whilst Bishop Steven is on leave, and also please pray for all those who find the dark winter months bring them into sadness and depression. Give thanks for those you know who work in healthcare, or education, and for those you know who still find time to give freely of themselves in service and love to others.
May the love of Christ fill our hearts and lives this Candlemas.
Your Rector Canon Kevin Davies