Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry area this morning. May the peace of Christ be with us all. A special welcome to those who are with us for the first time. Please do make yourself known to the ministry team.
Half Term
This coming week is half term in our local schools. It is a good opportunity to pray for staff, pupils, parents and governors as they continue to wrestle with issues of budgeting, recruitment, inspection, and pupil behaviour. Give thanks for the enormous asset that each school represents for its community, not only in terms of plant, but also past heritage and future potential.
Remembrance Sunday 10th November
Our churches are preparing for Remembrance Sunday, which this year falls on the 10th of November. It is a good opportunity to invite a friend or colleague to join you at church, as these special services celebrate everyone’s freedom, not just those who have faith.
Yours prayers are also requested for Archdeacon Olivia Graham, as she prepare to be consecrated Bishop of Reading at St Paul’s Cathedral on November the 19th.
Finally, “be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” (James 5:8)
Your Rector, in Christ’s service. Revd Kevin Davies