Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 20th October 2019


Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping with us in the Langtree Team Ministry area. A special welcome if you are with us for the first time, or visiting family and friends. May the peace of God be with us all.

Bishop’s Brexit Checklist

The four Bishops of the Oxford Diocese have recently written to us, offering a Brexit checklist for local churches and benefices. I have taken some points from their “Brexit checklist”, encouraging us to keep on loving our neighbour in these times of national worry and uncertainty. You can find their full letter on the Oxford Diocesan website

Some ways to love your neighbour as yourself:

  1. Give extra support to the food banks in your area. There may be temporary shortages of some foods. Prices may rise. Foodbank usage may also rise. Signpost your local foodbank. Make sure stocks are high, and there are enough volunteers.
  2. Watch out for the lonely, the anxious and the vulnerable. Levels of fear are rising and may rise further. Knock on your neighbours doors and check if they are OK. Speak to people on the bus and at work. Build networks and friendships.
  3. Reach out to EU nationals in your neighbourhood and workplace. This is a moment for friendship and hospitality and love for the stranger. As we leave the European Union, or as the uncertainty continues, people are likely to feel less welcome.
  4. Remember the needs of children and young people. Our schools and churches can be a place of balance and sanctuary for our children, who may be feeling upset and anxious.
  1. Pray in public worship and private prayer for the healing of our political life, for wisdom for those who lead us, for reconciliation                 between communities and for stability in our government.

Finally, there are lots of musical events happening around the Team in the coming days – please do support these excellent community building and fundraising events. Full details are inside this sheet, and on the team website.

with joy, and hope, depending upon the mercy of God, sure of the love of Christ, holding onto the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit, let us be the people whom God has called.

Your Rector                                                    Kevin Davies


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