Dear friends
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry area. May the glorious light of Christ shine upon us and our communities.
Please remember in your prayers your local school, both staff, pupils and governors. Having a school in a village is something we too easily take for granted, as like all locally based services, they are dependent upon our support, as well as our children.
Classical Concert at Checkendon
Don’t forget the classical concert in Checkendon Church next Friday, from 6.30pm. Violin, Cello, and Classical Guitar, wine and canapés, in a superb acoustic environment. Tickets £10 from Sue on sj.endacott@googlemail.com
As we prepare to welcome Revd John and Mrs Jean Blair to Ipsden and North Stoke on Feb 11th, please do continue to pray for the parish of Whitchurch and Whitchurch Hill, who are still without a minister of their own. I very much hope that we can begin advertising this vacancy before the end of the month; Whitchurch PCC have finalised and approved their parish profile, and it is now awaiting the go ahead from the Bishop’s office. We’ll be advertising on both the Diocesan and National Church of England websites, so do take a look when it goes live.
The Team Office
Finally, don’t forget that our Team Office is here to help; Mary Daniels is there a couple of days a week. The email for the office is langtreechurches1-office@yahoo.com and the phone number is 01491 684016
with every blessing in our Lord Jesus
Your Rector Kevin Davies