Dear friends
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in our Langtree Team ministry area this morning. May the peace and joy of Jesus be with us all.
Vacancies update
You will be aware that we have two vacancies in our ministerial team at the moment; please pray for Ipsden and North Stoke as we continue to advertise for a house-for-duty successor for Revd Alan, and also for Whitchurch and Whitchurch Hill, and my application for a curate to join us based down there. This latter process may take some months to work through the system, so the Diocese is going to be letting out St Mary’s House for six month whilst it is unoccupied. A good number from the Whitchurches and the team staff went to see Revd Claire being licensed as the new vicar of St John & St Stephen in Reading last week. It was great to send her off in style, and to wish her and Chris and their family every blessing in her exciting new role.
Back on our home turf, thank you to everyone who is working very hard to ensure that our level of service does not tail off too drastically during these lean ministerial times; churchwardens, pcc members, worship leaders, staff team members. I am very grateful to you all.
A great Harvest

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make our churches even more beautiful for our Harvest services last Sunday.
Looking ahead
Next week is our monthly family service at Checkendon – I can promise you something very interesting, and enjoyable, so do come along. Looking further ahead, Remembrance Sunday this year falls on 10th November. Please make a special note in your diary to be in church on that day, as we give thanks for our freedom, and the sacrifices that made it possible.
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Revd Canon Kevin Davies Team Rector