Dear friends,
A warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area this morning. May the joy of the Christ Child be with us all. We are now in the season of Epiphany, when for four weeks, until Candlemas on 2nd Feb, we remember the revealing of Christ to Israel, and the world, in both his circumcision and baptism, and in the visit of the Magi.
Team Council
The Team Ministry Council met this week and discussed the progress of the recruitments in the Team, as well as our budget for the coming year. Your PCC contributes pro rata to the Team pot, which then covers the ministry expenses, recruitment, requisites, and administration costs for us all. I am pleased to be able to tell you that we have not needed to ask for an increase to our budget for over twelve years, which is nothing short of miraculous. The hard truth underlying this is the sacrificial service that is given by your ministry team, some of whom do not claim expenses, and some who claim far less than they should.
The beginning of a new year is the best time to review your giving to your local church. We receive no external support or grant aid for either our buildings or our ministry costs. Everything has to be funded locally. Please be as generous as you can be, and still keep a smile on your face. The best way to give is by weekly or monthly standing order. Thank you !
Big Events
Lastly a couple of big events are coming up; firstly a brilliant trio of musicians from the Royal College of Music will be in concert at Checkendon Church on Friday 7th Feb at 7.30. Don’t miss this scintillating musical journey upon the strings of cello, violin, and guitar.
Secondly everyone from across the team is warmly invited to St Mary’s Ipsden on Tuesday Feb 11th at 7.30pm for the licensing of the Revd John Blair. Please do come and take the opportunity to welcome John and his wife Jean, as like all the clergy in the team he will be seen in all our parishes in due course !
Finally, thank you all for your support for your church and ministers over the Christmas period. Some wonderful services were shared, our churches looked stunning, and many hundreds of visitors, guests and old friends were welcomed among us. And is that not as it should be?
with every blessing for 2020 Your Rector Kevin Davies