Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to our worship today in the Langtree Team Ministry churches. A particular welcome if you are visiting, or have come to stay with friends or family for the Christmas season. May the joy of the Christ-child be with us all, as Advent draws to a close and Christmas dawns.
The staff team – Linda, Angela, Mary, Brian, Peter and I – all wish you the very best for Christmas and the New Year, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, faith, commitment and support for us all, as we work together to serve Jesus in all our communities.
Ipsden and North Stoke appointment made!
I am delighted to be able to tell you that the Revd John Blair (together with his wife Jean) will be moving into the Vicarage at Ipsden sometime towards the end of January, and that Archdeacon Judy will be licensing John as a House for Duty associate priest in the Team in about the middle of February, when his ministry will start. (The exact date will shortly be confirmed.) John is a gifted and experienced clergyman, who has been an Army Chaplain, a parish priest both in the UK and in Ireland, and an Anglican chaplain overseas.
Please remember John and Jean in your prayers as they prepare to move and embark on the next phase in their ministry.
Team Service 29th December 10.30am
One final reminder from me to you all; there will be only one service around the Team on Sunday 29th December. This is at St John’s Stoke Row, at 10.30am, and will be an informal service, with carols, readings, and…..handbells ! Everybody is very welcome.
with joy, and hope, and may the blessing of Christ be in all our hearts.
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies