Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area.
I hope you are having a spiritually fruitful Lent, and enjoying the group study sessions that are on offer for you around the Team. Its not too late to join a group – details of which are in the middle pages of this sheet.
Next Sunday, being the fourth Sunday of Lent, is Mothering Sunday, and our churches will all be holding special services. It is a wonderful opportunity to invite a loved one along to worship, as we celebrate not only our birth-mothers, but also our “mother church” – the sacred places which give us spiritual nourishment, and where we first learnt of God’s love for us all in Jesus Christ. Let’s not take the freedom to attend worship at our local church for granted.
Finally, please do pray for your church council, and the members. It is the time of year when annual meetings are on the horizon, and nominations for election to church offices are held. Thank God for the work of your churchwardens, treaurers, church secretaries, and other council members, and perhaps consider whom you might nominate to fill the vacancies that will be left by those stepping down this year. Or perhaps you should consider standing yourself ?
“He leads me in right paths, for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3)
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies