Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 30th November 2021

Welcome Bishop Gavin Collins

Dear friends

This coming Sunday we welcome Rt Rev Gavin Collins, the new Bishop of Dorchester, for his first visit to the Langtree Team area. He is conducting the 9.45am confirmation service at St Leonard’s Woodcote, where adult candidates from across the Team will be presented. (I’ll be there in my capacity as Team Rector, and also presenting Charlie von Schmieder from Checkendon.) Please pray for Charlie and all the candidates that they will know the blessing of the Holy Spirit, “confirming” them in their lives of discipleship and service. Churchwardens from the Team Churches have also been invited to attend if they wish. Let’s pray too for Bishop Gavin as he gets to know the hundreds of churches in the Dorchester area.

Worship Services for Sunday 5th December.

9.30am All age worship  at St John’s Stoke Row, led by Revd Angela Linton

11am Morning Prayer at Checkendon Church, led by Revd Angela Linton

The Advent Journey

8.30-8.40pm every day. Online for Advent with Revd Kevin.  Zoom numbers 842 3891 2144 and 123165. A daily reading, music and prayers for the Advent Season.

Other service options for elsewhere in the Team can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website.

You can support Checkendon church and  Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very secure. There is a new option to set your donation to be monthly rather than one off. There is also an option to Gift Aid your donation. Please do this if you can as your church can then reclaim the income tax you have paid on your donation. All your churches have suffered income loss during Covid, and now need your help. Thank you!

How many letters…

in the Greek alphabet? As research is undertaken on the latest variant of Covid, the lectionary readings for the Advent season seem all the more apposite – for example Luke 21:7-33. Jesus warns us to be alert, not distracted, to be prayerful, not worried, and to be strong in our eternal hope. We should expect new variants (viruses mutate) but we are well rehearsed and know what to do; get vaccinated, boosted and keep the ventilation going. Be aware too that there are websites out there that have a Christian banner but are spreading lies about the science. God is a God of truth and life, so the deepest darkness (cf Jude v13) is reserved for these pedlars of despair.

Do join me on the online Advent Journey, every day until Christmas Eve, or just when you can.  Just ten minutes. Everyone is welcome.

Your Rector, Revd Kevin Davies.




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