Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 7th December 2021

Hold out for Christmas

Dear friends,

As Covid (whether delta or omicron) colours the map again can I remind you all that (i) Christmas Services remain “on” (ii) Live church will be as safe as we can make it, with ventilation and hand sanitizer (iii) social distancing and mask wearing are optional, but advisable and (iv) the best defence against getting seriously ill with Covid remains vaccination.  It may well be that we are required to increase restrictions for public services at some point, in which case you’ll hear about it first here. The final safety decisions for each church in the Team lies in this instance with your minister.

We welcomed Bishop Gavin to St Leonards for a joyful confirmation service last Sunday. Congratulations to Charlie, Sam, Charlotte, James and (a second) Charlotte who were confirmed in their desire to walk with Christ throughout their lives. We continue to pray for the blessing of the Holy Spirit for each of them.

Worship Services for Sunday 12th December.

9.30am Morning Prayer  at St John’s Stoke Row, led by Revd Kevin Davies

11am Holy Communion at Checkendon Church, led by Revd Kevin Davies

The Advent Journey

8.30-8.40pm every day. Online for Advent with Revd Kevin.  Zoom numbers 842 3891 2144 and 123165. A daily reading, music and prayers for the Advent Season.

Other service options for elsewhere in the Team can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website.

You can support Checkendon church and  Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very secure. There is a new option to set your donation to be monthly rather than one off. There is also an option to Gift Aid your donation. Please do this if you can as your church can then reclaim the income tax you have paid on your donation. All your churches have suffered income loss during Covid, and now need your help. Thank you!

Christmas details now online.

All of the Christmas services across the Team are now detailed on the Team ministry website. Time to make your plans, and get dates and times in your diary! Click here for the information.

My grateful thanks to Jill Goldsmith for her help with the website at this time.

Finally, a call to prayer. Please can I ask you to say a prayer every day for our Team Treasurer, Tim Streatfeild, and his family? Tim has recently been diagnosed as being critically and terminally ill. Ask God for his wisdom, grace, mercy and peace, for Tim, and for everyone in the church family at St Mary’s North Stoke.

“The Lord is my light, my light and salvation; whom shal I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? ” Ps 27:1

Revd Kevin Davies


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