Dear friends
A very warm welcome to this service from all of us in the Langtree Team Ministry Churches. May God’s peace be with you.
Thank you to those of you who came to hear Bishop Steven at Shiplake on Thursday. The Henley Deanery was the last stop for the Bishop on his orientation tour of the Diocese. After visiting all 29 deaneries, we pray for wisdom and grace for our Bishop, so that he may lead with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the compassion of Christ.
We give thanks to God for the work of our local schools, as they begin the long summer holiday period. A number of our schools will soon have vacancies on their governing bodies, and will be looking for individuals who are willing to support the Christian ethos of their school. Governing Bodies need a wide variety of skill sets in order to function well, so if you would be interested in find out more about what is involved in this particular community role, please do speak in the first instance to your local minister, or the Team Rector.
As the clergy staff team take their summer holidays throughout the coming weeks, and other members of the staff team cover for them, let us rejoice and celebrate our unity and fellowship as a team ministry. We have a wonderful opportunity next week to come together at Stoke Row for a shared service (Sunday 30th at 10.30am). I look forward to seeing a good number of you there.
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies