Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 19th November 2017

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping across the Langtree Team ministry area. May the love and peace of Christ be with you all.

The season of Advent begins in a few weeks time, and there is to be an evening of Advent reflection and prayer led by Liz Lowth and Linda Smith at St John’s Stoke Row on Thursday 30th November at 7.30pm. It is open to everyone from around the Team.

Further ahead, and blisteringly hot off the press, the Oxford University Jazz Orchestra are making a welcome return visit to Checkendon on Friday 26th January. Tickets are £20 to include supper and can be obtained from Honor von Schmieder on 01491 680021. Don’t miss your chance to see this top flight big band with some of the most gifted young musicians of our generation !

Finally, thank you to everyone who assisted in any way with our welcome as team churches for members of our communities for last Sunday’s Remembrance services. What we do is important, and needful.

every blessing to you all Your Rector

Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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