Sunday 8th November 2015 Remembrance Sunday (Trinity 23) (Green or Red)
Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry Area this morning. Today we gather to remember those who gave their lives in war for the service of our country so that we might live in peace and freedom. We thank God for their sacrifice, and we resolve to “win the peace” through our faith and dedication. The gift of freedom, and a time of peace, is not one that can be measured, but its value is beyond price. Today we once again call this fact to mind, and ask God to realign our priorities in response.
Let us also give thanks to God for those who serve our country today, including not only the Armed Forces, but also the Emergency Services, Health Services, Ministers (of religion and also the Crown), the Education Sector and all public services. So much of these areas are taken for granted by many people today, but the world we share would look radically different if these many thousands of people chose to do something else with their lives.
Your Rector, and servant for Christ’s sake,
Revd Kevin Davies.