Notice Sheet for 24th January 2016
Third of Epiphany
Education Sunday
Dear Friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area.
In this cold weather, please do not forget the homeless and vulnerable. It is easy to help using the Food Bank drop off points in all our churches. Tins, packets, jars, cereals, biscuits, tea and coffee are especially welcome.
Blankets for the night shelter may be dropped off with Heather Llewellyn at Hill Farm House, Hailey.
Don’t forget to also put something out for the wild birds – fat balls, and nut feeders hanging from trees or bird tables are ideal, as these are harder for cats, rats and squirrels to reach.
Next Sunday is a Team Service, (being a 5th Sunday) and we are gathering as one body at St Mary’s North Stoke, for a celebration eucharist led by The Revd David Addison. The preacher will be The Revd Kevin Davies.
Don’t forget that this service will begin at 10.30am !
“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Psalm 42:”
Your Rector
Revd Kevin Davies
PS There is a clue about the Rector’s Lent Course 2016 on our Facebook page.