Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Notice Sheet for 31st January 2016

Langtree Team Ministry
Notice Sheet for 31st January 2016
Fourth of Epiphany
Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to our Team Service, with special thanks to our hosts at St Mary’s North Stoke.
It is fantastic to gather together as one body every now and then, just to see “what we look like all together before God”. Plus of course there is the joy of making an even louder song of praise in our churches !

Your local churches are each the responsibility of an elected church council, and we pool resources to enable worship in each place to happen regularly, and to further our Christian mission in our communities. So the Team is responsible for staffing, recruitment, and the support of the leadership team, through the team office and the team council. Each PCC elects one or two representatives to this body, which meets two or three times a year, and each PCC pays into the team ministry budget on the same basis as the Diocesan share. This budget (which has stayed the same for the last six years – an amazing achievement) covers the claimed clergy expenses and the costs of the team office. The good thing about this model of Christian ministry is it means that no one is alone; clergy and leaders can support and encourage and cover for each other, and our churches have the security of knowing that we belong to a local family of churches, where we are accepted as we are, and loved.

Our next Team service will be for Ash Wednesday, on Feb 10th, at 7.30pm at St Leonard’s Woodcote. Lent courses will be starting soon after this around the Team – details to follow.

For a clue as to the Rector’s Lent course at Checkendon, please look around the Team ministry Facebook page:

Finally, if there is someone sitting near you whom you do not know, please introduce yourself !

Every blessing Your Rector and Area Dean

Revd Kevin Davies


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