Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Notice Sheet for 10th January 2016

Notice Sheet for 10th January 2016
Baptism of Christ
(Gold / White)

Dear Friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping across the Langtree Team Ministry area.

I hope you had a blessed and joyful Christmas, and again, the staff and I thank you for your support and fellowship over this festival period.

Your Team council met at the Rectory this week and discussed the proposed budget for 2016 (the churches all contribute pro-rata to pay clergy and office expenses, along with copying and other church requisites like candles and communion wine which can be bought in bulk). It is good to have an opportunity to come together to share something of how God is working among us. Our next Team Service is quite soon at the end of the month (Sun 31st Jan at 10.30am) at St Mary’s North Stoke so please note this in your diaries, because there will be no other main Sunday services around the team on that day.

Don’t forget to explore our new website ( and to follow us on Facebook at to keep in closer touch with news, pictures and information from around the team. We area also on Twitter too –

Finally, please could I ask for your prayers this morning as I am leading a service at Rotherfield Peppard which is one of the churches in the deanery currently without a Rector.

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth” Psalm 100v1.

Your Rector and Area Dean Revd Kevin Davies


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