Notice Sheet for 17th January 2016
Second of Epiphany (White)
Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service wherever you are worshipping this morning in the Langtree Team ministry area. A special welcome if you are with us for the first time, or visiting family or friends. May the peace and joy of Jesus Christ be with you.
If you have not yet discovered it, please do go and explore our new Team Ministry Churches website. The address is and you can find service details, lots of interesting photos, sermons, links to blogs as well as histories of our churches and links to Diocesan and National Church of England sites.
For up to the minute news and happenings, there are also our Facebook and Twitter pages: and
Like and Follow our pages to stay in touch !
The Langtree Team is part of the national Church of England. This is made up of regions or areas, called Dioceses, each having a Bishop. We are part of the Diocese of Oxford, and our Bishop is Rt Revd Colin Fletcher. Each Diocese is subdivided into smaller areas called Deaneries – in our case we belong to the Henley Deanery, which has 23 churches in the area between Henley and Goring, almost as far as Wallingford. Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves that we have sister churches all around us, and that by working together we can do wonderful things.
Before the service begins, do take a moment of stillness to recollect God’s presence with you. He is the Lord.
Your Team Rector
Revd Kevin Davies